The photographic cooperation 'Magnum
Photos' has powerful individual vision, Magnum photographers chronicle the world and interpret people, events, issues and personalities. Providing photographs to the press, publishers, advertising, television, galleries and museums across the world.
Here, i have included a linkto the official website:
Magnum Photos (Official Website)
According to co-founder Henri Cartier-Bresson,
"Magnum is a community of thought, a shared human quality, a curiosity about what is going on in the world, a respect for what is going on and a desire to transcribe it visually."
Whilst i browsed their official website, i found these few images that could act as inspiration to my music video production:
Paolo Pellegrin
Cairo, Egypt
2011 |
This image by Pellegrin, i thought was really amazing as he has managed to capture the characters emotions and this acts almost as an insight into what was happening the time that the image was shot (an anti muburak demonstration). I really like the black and white effect, as this also gives the sense of panic and distortion...connoted also through the expressions of the men, and the out-of-focus image quality, is this sense of mayhem and outrage.
Mali, Bakodjikorone
1994 |
I think that this shot by Abbas, links in with my ideas for my music video. As the children are shot in the moment having fun, and it isnt too overly staged and unnatural. The children are imitating the photographer in this shot, and i think it has the connotations of carefree and happy characters which i really would like to portray in my own production.
Eve Arnold
USA, Nevade
1960 |
Possibly my favourite shot, by Eve Arnold. I absolutely love the limited distractions of a plain blacked out background. This highlights and brings to focus the two characters shown dancing in the centre of the shot. This has been achieved supposedly by the placement of the lighting, which i shall may a mental note of for when it comes to the creation of my own video. As this reiterates the importance of lighting placement. I also really want to achieve the same kind of emotion presented through this image, in my own shots. The happy and joyous expression on the mans face is just great!
These next few images are not taken from the 'Magnun' website. However, they are each a source of inspiration to me, and i felt was worth including on my blog to remind myself and others the types of techniques i aim to include in my own work:
Jérôme Turblin
I simply love the expression shown on this man's face! I would like to include some similar shots like this as i feel it could add a little bit of a jokey vibe to my production. I also love the low camera angle, this was taken from which acts to intimidate the viewer and to give the sense of empowerment. Though, if done correctly, i think with the character being shot showing an appropriate expression would only add to the overall light-hearted and playful connotations of my video production.
Don McCullin
Mad Day Out
Don McCullin
Mad Day Out
1968 |
Photographer Don McCullin (my grandfather), took these light-hearted and fun images of The Beatles in 1968. I just love the natural poses of the singers, giving a real 'caught-in-the-moment' feeling to the shots and i would very much like to include this technique in my own work. Aiming to achieve a natural-happiness and as un-staged/narrated as possible.

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