Wednesday 7 November 2012

Stop-Motion Animation:

Stop-motion is an animation technique. It is used to make physically manipulated objects appear to move on its own. The object is moved very slightly between individually photographed frames, creating the illusion of movement when the series of frames are played in a continuous sequence.It is very often that stop-motion animation is created with the use of dolls with movable joints or clay figures, mainly because of their ease of re positioning  Stop motion animation using Plasticine is called "clay animation" or "clay-mation". However, not all stop motion requires figures or models; many stop motion films can involve using humans, household appliances and other things to achieve a desired effect.

1) This is an extremely popular video on YouTube, with an incredible 10 million views. This is because it is so cleverly put together, and the images run very smoothly and fluently together. Giving an overall professional and realistic animation effect.

2)This is also a stop-motion technique, however has a different approach as opposed to my previous video. I really like the beginning as the skittles packet is being drawn with coloured pencil. This is a technique i think would look very effective in the introduction to my music video, as it looks very creative though not too difficult to produce.

3) As i would like to use the drawing/writing approach  to this technique in my own music video, i chose to look closer into some examples of these on YouTube. This is probably my favourite and it reminded my of a video i uploaded in a past blogpost, of a Lawson music video. The lyrics of the music video were written up and filmed in a similar way to stop-motion animation, this is what i would like to possibly include in my own production.

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